Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Implied Latency

Last minute evasive maneuvers. Simple return types. Builder pattern in partial object creation. The right tool for the job. Walking back down the UML boulevard. Small joys with yUML. Visual Paradigm UML seems like a serious OS/X option. Indent wars.

Picking battles. Sometimes a bit abstraction with no particular reason can be good. An unexpected offer. Quite pleasing. Alternative take on Builder pattern.

Betrayed by IntelliJ IDEA. Never undo refactoring if the original sources weren't committed! Swapping objects. Finding suitable home for classes used among packages. Dependency clash. Safety when converting to local classes, even if it took manual bean coding time. Spring cold kicking in. XML serialization for queue messages.

Back to qpid/jms. Vintage soundtracks. Dreams from far away. Logging too verbose. Difficulties with servlet JNDI. AMQNoRouteException. Back to queue troubleshooting. Yet, for another day.