Enterprise+Adhoc service multiplexer bridge. Near-similar data mapping. Quick Levenshtein/Hamming distance string matching on large datasets. O(N^2) comparison operations. Infrastructure work. Abstract the n-tier multiplexer objects. Look at Apache Camel for ideas. Soap return types, mapping enums both ways. Please. Work!. Mapping POJO enums - not really out of the box. Find clues. Ambiguous object/xml serialization - nontrivial to resolve. Mybad - wsdl is not about syntax - only semantics => enum values should not be part of that description. Casting an eye back to the curse of dimensionality. Maven troubles.
SQL update exec wrapping in general "message update" framework + the bus for dispatching it all. Command message dispatched bus, with command message being abstract. Return message ? Yup - abstract + handle that as well. Distributed command objects. ADB Soap client quickspawn. Thinking about the notion of "information maximization" in the context of visual display on bounded surface.
The "door-mat" organizational pattern. It exists. It works.
ADB soap client generation is the way to go. Calling WSDL2Java from comamnd line is a drag - use org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java instead. Hate calling main() but that's life. 7 more hours to go. Stub is there but still need to move / no tree offset. I can live with that. Neighborhood component analysis talks at #machinelearning. Cover trees seem interesting. That's that for you. Ok, how do I use service stubs ? 11K lines of generated code. Sweet. Now what ?
QName = (namespace, localpart (method)). Maven/Ivy wars at #hbase. Building xml as pile of object is not the most convenient when entire content is changing across all fields. However, single-field changes do leave the space for convenient architectural solutions. The good part is that memory is actually relatively cheap in this case, though it doesn't really seem like it. Pile of access methods, but the code generation enables to keep the data simple. Protocol verified. Now figure out axis2 document root redirection. Stereolab in the headphones. Pure bliss. Even enterprise POJOs don't seem so boring. Ok, perhaps they do.
And they don't really work all the way that easy.
Not happy. Not happy at all. Framework/Enterprise/Unknown unknowns - based development makes me sad.
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-4128 <- tough luck, not generating enumerations properly. Well, at least it's not me.