The Smiths on the radio. Grey morning heading for the afternoon. Messaging ways. Enterprise integration patterns.
Collisions in java logging forest. Interoperability, people ? Better projects do help development, but in the long run they might create unfair competition. Software projects economy. Jetty centralized slf4j logging colliding with qpid invoking slf4j directly. Collapse occurs. Loggers killed the application embedding. Quick hack - replacing slf4j-log4j with slf4j-simple. That's that. There are more interesting problems awaiting.
Dealing with confusions of async message delivery. Queue-driven runtime. Indexing dynamic data sources ? Controlled environment for thread handler execution. Long lost microseconds on the blocked threads highway. Visions of the times from long before. Yet, they are still waiting.
Finishing the pipeline. How do we address testability ? XML in the fast lane. Loosing a bracket here and there. Won't work, we do care. Marshalling sql updates. Full cycle. Discussing the world and the limits of expectations. Desire to belong to imagined perfect world just to realize that the real one don't seem worth dreaming. Still, start scratching the surface and bricks occur. The decaying plaster.
Following Hadoop steps. Giant footprints in data mud.