Spring preview in the streets. Pure bliss. Increasing entropy of the coffee shop. The eternal pursuit for the front view. Small things as contemporaries in the substance chronicles. Illustrations of the Curse. Diminishing distances with dimensionality increase. Combinatorial explosion of model-space. Increasing multicolinearity probability.
Fitting local structure of function. Simple mahout dimension-decomposition job. Locally-low dimension of function. 1-cube in pow(R,10) - seems Gaussian to a naked eye. General framework for estimating default risk by variable selection from media sources. Integrate mahout lib functions to voidbase for realtime/batch infrastructure.
Mixing queueing and state maintenance. Direct POST to soap service. Assuming all message conventions are satisfied, it should work right away. Deserialization will cause issues. All you need is a properly formatted soap message, raw post, and there you go. Stay away from complex xml types.
Fahey's strings. Deciphering fragments of autogenerated code. Axis2 Java Bean camelCase conventions on xml elements. No interoperability with legacy .net apps. Much Ado About Nothing.